

Sunday, December 14, 2008
My apologies for the lack of activity around here last week but I've been sicker than a dog. And in my case, that analogy is particularly accurate.

Because when I get sick I act exactly like this old dog I used to own. I crawl into a dark little hole until whatever the problem is has worked its way through the system. His spot was under the porch. Mine's somewhere beneath a Duvet with the drapes drawn.

Every now and then I'll emerge lucid enough to refill my waterbowl, refresh the DVD collection or send a couple of emails. Then I disappear back into that black hole.

Black holes are tough to escape. Never happens to most things, Constellations, solar systems, big-ass planets. Somehow I always resurface. Although one look at a desk covered with last week's undone tasks and next week's looming agenda makes me want to disappear back into that black hole.

Maybe that's why we survive these things and planets don't. They don't have all the pressing responsibilities and sense of accountability we do.

Anyway back soon. Much as the Canadian TV powers-that-be were looking forward to putting my doctor on top of their Christmas card lists, not gonna happen this year.

And here's a little story about a black hole. Enjoy your Sunday.


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