
Friday Bits and Pieces

Friday, March 26, 2010

It’s been a far too busy week over here at the Legion, so blogging has suffered. I’m also still laboring with the CRTC “Decision”, which is actually a kinda proposal which may or may not still be up for revision come this Fall’s license renewals. But I promise to get on top of that this weekend and have a deconstruction by Monday.

cowboy and calf

One thing about the so-called decision confuses me, however. (Actually several things do, but one in particular) And it’s something I haven’t seen addressed in any of the press coverage (biased or non) and stakeholder reactions that I’ve read.

During the whole “Save Local TV” campaign, the networks all claimed they couldn't cross-collateralize their earnings to prop up their local stations. And we all know that if they did, their profitable specialty channels would more than offset the losses of those Free-to-Air stations.

Yet, what's now proposed is that they will soon be able to schedule their produced Canadian programming across all parts of their conglomerate, not placing any of it on their main networks if they so desire.

So --- how come the broadcasters are recognized as a whole herd of related channels when it's advantageous to them but seen as helpless stray calves when they need us to ride in and rescue them with fees for carriage?

It doesn't compute...

--- unless the Commission is once again abandoning its Parliamentary mandate and protecting broadcasters instead of the public.

But let’s leave all that for next week.

Meantime, I wanted to drop three little tidbits that crossed my computer screen today that you might want to consider or partake in over the weekend.

To begin, Telefilm darling, Atom Egoyan, will release his star-studded film “Chloe” today. According to the Box-Office Mojo website, this is the American theatre count for its debut…

new releases

What does it tell you about the kind of films Telefilm finances when Canada's foremost Auteur gets 2400 fewer theatres than "Hot Tub Time Machine" and 3700 fewer than a kid’s film?

Have any of their confabs on popularizing Canadian film ever considered that maybe funding a few low-brow comedies or family films might make it possible to have even more money coming in to spend on the Festival and Art House fare that doesn’t have a hope of ever making a dime?

Plus creating a thriving production industry and perhaps English language box-office to boot…

Although, when I suggested that the above image should be tacked up in every single Telefilm cubicle, a local wag, who’d probably prefer to remain nameless quipped, “No, they’d see it as a badge of honor. Look...306 screens! That's 300 more than ‘One Week’!"

Please see “Chloe” if that’s your taste or you feel it really will help turn the industry around.

But if you want to see some good movies in the “Art” category this weekend, slip on over to The Auteurs where you can stream nine past winners of the Cannes Film Festival for free --- after filling out a quick (and also free) registration form. The films include:

          Amacord (Italy 1974)

          L'Avventura (Italy 1960)

          Dancer in the Dark (Denmark 2000)

          Fat Girl (France 2001)

          Mon Oncle (France 1958)

          Harakiri (Japan 1962)

          Divorce Italian Style (Italy 1961)

          Tulpan (Germany 2008)

          Our Beloved Month of August (Portugal 2008)

This mini film festival is sponsored by Stella Artois, so maybe pick up a six pack of those delicious bevvies to accompany (and say thanks for) the streaming.

And finally, if you need to find me on Sunday night, I’ll be parked in front of the tube with a couple of cold Molson Canadians for a film that’ll probably never play the Art House circuit. CBC’s “Keep Your Head Up, Kid!” – the biopic of Canadian hockey icon Don Cherry airs at 8:00 pm.


I’ve had the good fortune to read the script as well as catch bits and pieces of the finished film and its makers need to be commended for not only telling a great ‘warts and all’ tale but of bringing realistic hockey action to the screen. Don’t miss it.


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