
Lazy Sunday # 118: I, The Jury

Sunday, May 9, 2010

We’re coming into “Festival Season” in the film and TV industries. New movies are debuted in the former, while the latter coat-tails to sell internationally what played well at home last year.

A lot of these films and programs will be entered into competitions, hoping to win the kind of recognition that attracts a wider audience.

Sometimes, those awards are chosen by the festival audience, like the rockumentary "Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage" was this week at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York.

Sometimes the prizes go to films selected by a small jury of film luminaries like the one Tim Burton will captain at the Cannes Film Festival which opens on Wednesday.

But now, anybody with a love of film and connected to the internet can be part of the process.

The National Film Board of Canada, in partnership with the Cannes Short Film Corner, has posted the ten nominees for top honors at the Cannes Marche du Film. You can view and vote for them here or simply be part of the audience by watching them here.

Presented for your adjudication are ten films from young filmmakers around the world. Some are live action, some are animated, some have formats still to be defined. One was even originally shot in 3D. It’s a rich buffet, with each selection leaving you wondering how you can possibly compare it to what you just saw.

But that’s what being the member of a film jury requires.

How do you decide that a heartfelt drama deserves more attention than a laugh filled comedy?

Was more artistic talent required for 5 minutes of animation or 10 minutes of wrangling actors on a complicated location?

Which has more impact, a breathtaking vista or a lingering close-up?

It’s all subjective. Everything comes down to which one most enriched your own life.

Canada’s entry “The Technician” looked like it was taking my vote for most of the competition. But then another stole my heart.

Alessandro Celli’s “The Report Card” from Italy got my vote in the end. But like all Jury decisions, that’s one vote among many. Your taste may run in a far different direction. But no matter how much we differ, I’m certain there will be something here that makes your day.

So sign up at the NFB site and cast your ballot. Votes can be submitted until May 17th and the winner will be announced when the Cannes Film Festival closes on May 23rd. Please take part.

You could help kick start some budding filmmaker’s career.

But most of all you’ll --- Enjoy Your Sunday.


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