
Lazy Sunday # 131: Highway to the Future

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I'm not sure I'm a climate change denier. If something's going on that might irreparably damage the planet, I'd sure like to get to the bottom of it and do my part to fix it.

But I'm certainly one of those guys who's hesitant to climb on the Anthropomorphic Global Warming bandwagon.

There are a lot of reasons for that which can be backed up by things I've read about how those campaigning for carbon taxes and green initiatives went about providing their empirical proof that such things were necessary. 

There's also all those mega-polluting private jets and limos that seem to be in such demand whenever environmentalists gather to make rules the rest of us are supposed to live by.

But mostly, it's the scare tactics.

Like the stories about rising ocean levels submerging cities and making whole countries disappear. If those campaigning to get me to turn down my air conditioning and ride a bicycle really believe those predictions are such an inconvenient truth -- how come they're not asking Al Gore why he just bought a massive chunk of beach front property?

I do understand that the apocalyptic approach is a sure fire attention getter. But I also know that most things we're instructed to fear don't usually turn out to be all that scary…

Are those Killer Bees here yet?

…and often, there's somebody already thinking way outside the box those scare tacticians are trying to get us into so we can only view the world the way that works best for them.

The first minute of what follows will probably strike you as hare-brained Science Fiction. An impossibly implausible solution to 3 or 4 of the problems supposedly coming down the pike. But three minutes after that, I'm predicting you'll be sensing our future might be way cooler than you ever imagined.

Enjoy your Sunday.


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