
Lazy Sunday # 151: The Turning of the Bones

Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's Boxing Day in Canada, our recovery period from Christmas. A day to sleep off the hangover, work off the big meal and clean the last meat off the turkey so the once magnificent beast becomes little more than a pile of bones.

Boxing Day originated in Great Britain, as the noble and the wealthy boxed up the leftovers of their Christmas celebrations and delivered them to the poor. Nowadays, that tradition is mostly observed by retailers, hauling old boxes of last year's models out of inventory and slapping a sale sticker on them.

In other parts of the world, there are different boxes and different piles of bones to be addressed.

And it's maybe fitting that we box up the last of these Lazy Sunday posts for 2010 with one of the most beautiful films I've had the pleasure of finding on line.

Here's a taste. The full 12 minute film, expected to win an Academy Award, can be found here.

Happy Boxing Day -- and -- Enjoy your Sunday.


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