
Lazy Sunday # 173: The Chase Film

Sunday, June 12, 2011


The chase has always been a staple of dramatic entertainment. From "The Perils of Pauline" to "Stagecoach" to "Bullitt" and "The Bourne (whichever)" there's been no better way to exhibit the visceral impact of the media than with a chase.

It’s been kinda busy around the Legion of late. Lots of deadlines and distractions combined with the all-encompassing Stanley Cup Hockey Pool.

Made even more encompassing this season by the inclusion of a Canadian finalist.

But we’ll start transitioning out of all that over the next few days and get back to the prime directive -- making better Canadian television.

Fortuitously, our return coincides with the 2011 Banff Media Festival, formerly the Banff Television Festival, before “television” somehow became an archaic term among those busy imagining the future.

So now everything we do (even if it’s still television) seems to be part of a multi-platform new media landscape -- even when it isn’t much different from what's been around since television was considered a new medium.

But the "New Media" itself seems less in evidence as a storytelling tool than just a lot of new ways to access the same old content.

I don’t know what new ideas (if any) will come out of Banff, but I hope some of them will offer the kind of creative example of the new tools we’ve been given as what follows.

Because I’ve often felt our inability to think beyond the production models we’re all familiar with is what’s really holding us back.

This week’s video selection is a commercial for Intel, the people who make what makes most of the New Media possible.

It’s awesome in its use of material and formats that seldom seem to find a way into our story telling.

I’m not saying this is the future. But I’m thinking it’s hinting at where the future of something truly “New” might lie.

Go chase the dream. And Enjoy your Sunday…


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