
Infamous Writers Hockey Pool: Week Three Standings

Friday, April 29, 2011

The thrill of Victory…

And the agony of defeat…

can drain

Round one is in the books. Adios Montreal, Pittsburgh, New York, Buffalo. So long Chicago, Anaheim, Los Angeles and Phoenix.

And while a couple of poolies took some pretty good hits, we're all still standing and everybody still has a shot -- even if it's a long one.

Sort of like the Federal election.

And straying off-topic for a minute longer, am I the only one who watched that Vancouver video up top and felt a little twinge of dispatches from Tehran during the Green Revolution? Only instead of "Allahu Akbar", there's a bunch of guys screamin' "Looooouuuuuuu…"

Maybe this is one of the ways we show people how Canada is different from the rest of the world. We don't let any of our politicians get into a position where they can feel comfortable bossing us around and if we shout anything from the rooftops it'll likely have something to do with hockey.

So, two things as we roll into Round Two.

First and most important -- there's a new IWHP contest inspired by Shae Weber's post game appearance last night. Did you see that dude's playoff beard!? I thought any minute he was gonna start screaming "Tonight we dine in Hell!"

shae weber beard

I mean, it's barely Round Two! If the Preds go much deeper he'll be tripping over that thing. I didn't realize that if you wanted to play in Nashville you had to look like one of "The Oak Ridge Boys".

But hey, I was looking for a new contest for Round Two and Shae provided.

So, at the end of Round Two, I'll be awarding a trophy for "Best Playoff Beard" in a contest we're calling "The Hirsute Pursuit". Send your photo entries to .

Entry is open to current poolies and anyone else so bored they actually read these weekly update posts. The picture doesn't have to be of your own beard (although that may garner extra points) and photo-shopping is allowed.

Entries close when the last Second Round team is eliminated and will be judged on size, forestation and creativity.

Second point this week is that the pool standings reveal the return of the Dreaded Pascoe.

Will Pascoe has won or placed in the top three for three years running and -- "He's Ba-ack!"

I used to wonder how he managed to survive, given his writing skills and all, but it's become apparent the nice people at Pro-Line probably have much to do with keeping baby in new shoes.

God help Las Vegas if any of his LA deals come through.

Alex House now sits in second with Stubinski and Racicot close on his heels.

Last week's leader, Denis McGrath, has retreated somewhat. But then he is in France.

And I'm told still haunting Parisian Sportsbars muttering "Je suis la Bombe". I'm not sure if that's related to his pool success or a personal assessment of "XIII".

The Third week of the NHL Playoff Marathon gets its full launch this weekend. Next update is Monday.

Game on!



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