
Infamous Writers Pool: Week Two Standings

Friday, April 22, 2011

1cartoon aislin

I always wondered why they called it "Good" Friday. Cause it didn't seem like much "Good" went into why it's commemorated.

But I'm assuming on some levels it feels a whole lot less painful than what Montreal and Vancouver fans had to endure yesterday.

In Montreal's case I guess you could put their loss down to a couple of bad bounces. But what happened on the West Coast makes "epic fail" seem somewhat understated.

To put Vancouver's collapse into perspective, Chicago's never-ventures-beyond-his-crease Goalie has personally scored twice as many points in the last two games as the high-flying, goal machine Sedin Twins put together.

They say it's going to be real sunny on the West Coast this weekend -- meaning Golf season can get into full swing. Gee, and just about the same time as last year.


Meanwhile, those old guys in Detroit dropped an anvil on the wily Coyotes, perhaps marking the end of hockey in the desert. And by the time the next pool report comes around on Monday, it appears certain a couple more series will have come to an end.


So this will likely be the last report where everybody (okay, except me) still has a full roster of players.

But I still managed to move up a couple of slots and Dixon is finally out of the basement. But taking off like a rocket this week is Denis McGrath, who should have a bullet next to his name after zooming from 13th to first in less than three days.

Matt Racicot and Alex House fill out the remaining top spaces.

Remember that you can check your positions online at anytime. But we'll be back to update you on Monday.



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